The long awaited letter from the Provost arrived yesterday. Hooray!
First cablab publication of the new year now in press
Kelm & Boettiger’s new paper: “Age moderates the effect of acute dopamine depletion on passive avoidance learning” will appear in the April 2015 edition of Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, and is now available online. See Publications .
CABLAB website migrates to WordPress
In updating & revamping the lab website, we notice that no news updates have been posted for about a year and a half. Much has happened. Vicki Chanon moved on to the R&D group at Lenovo. Chris Smith graduated and went off to Vanderbilt for a postdoc with David Zald. Audrey Verde graduated and went back to finish med school. Theresa McKim earned her Master’s and attended the Michigan fMRI course. Michael Parrish and Hunter Oppler defended their Honors Theses. Hunter won the Dashiell Award for best Honors Thesis in Psychology, graduated, and went up to NIH for a post-bac IRTA position in Barry Richmond’s lab. Melisa Menceloglu graduated and went off to grad school at Northwestern. The lab published 7 papers and presented data at OHBM, RSA, and SfN. Theresa McKim & Monica Faulkner were both awarded RSA travel awards and King Research Awards. And now, everyone in the lab can post news updates!
Summer 2013
July: Kelm & Boettiger accepted for publication in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience!
June: Undergrad Samuel Marsan joins the lab.
Spring 2013
May: CABlab awarded a grant from the Foundation for Alcohol Research.
April: Michael Parrish is named an HHMI—Future Clinicians & Researchers scholar, which will pay him to work in the CABlab for the Summers of 2013 & 2014. Congratulations Michael!
Winter 12/13
January: Undergrads Scott Oppler & Samantha Dove join the CABlab. cab begins her first Research & Study Leave and develops some facility with saying “no”.
December: UNC Center for Alcohol Studies Center grant is renewed! Includes a research component that is a translational collaboration between the CABlab &Donita Robinson’s lab.
Fall 2012
November: CABLAB goes to New Orleans and presents three posters, and Katie Kelm delivers a well-received talk. Dr. Kelm departs for her new career as a medical writer at PPD, Inc.
August: New Behavioral Neuroscience graduate student Monica Faulkner arrives from Johns Hopkins University lab of Cherie Marvel. Undergrads Yeci Sierra & Michael Parrish, and research assistant Conrad Baldner join the lab.
Spring 2012
May: Katie Cullen is graduated a Carolina Research Scholar from the Psychology Department with highest honors. After submitting her SfN abstract and NRSA progress report, Vicki Chanon brings the 4th CABLAB baby into the world! Congratulations Vicki!
April: Katie Cullen’s poster is selected as outstanding at the annual UNC Celebration of Undergraduate Research; her poster remains on display in the Undergraduate library through the 2012-2013 school year. Chris Smith gives a talk at the annual CNS meeting in Chicago. Undergrad Nicole Seider joins the lab as a SMART undergraduate fellow.
March: CABlab welcomes BBSP rotation student, Abi Agoglia.
Winter 11/12
February: Chris Smith receives a Graduate Student Award to attend the annual CNS meeting in March and present a talk. Congratulations Chris!
January: Smith & Boettiger accepted for publication in Psychopharmacology!Undergrads Cherise Green, Rachel Kaplan, and Ashley Roy join the lab.
Fall 2011
November: CABLAB goes to Washington D.C. and presents a record three posters.
October: Audrey sweeps the competitive pumpkin carving at the annual CABLAB party; Chris continues stalling with regard to circus tricks.
September: Katie Cullen receives an Honors Research Award to fund her Honors Thesis Research. Congratulations Katie!
August: New Behavioral Neuroscience graduate student Theresa McKim arrives from the Penn State lab of Steve Wilson. Undergrad Soleille Everest joins the lab. Chris Smith receives a prestigious individual NRSA fellowship from NIAAA. Congratulations Chris! The CABLAB attends the Gordon Research Conference on Catecholamines & cab gives her first GRC talk.