Exciting news in the cablab: this summer Dr. Crystal Carr will head down to Wofford College to take a new position as an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department, and Dr. Amanda Elton will head even further south to start an Assistant Professor position in the Psychiatry Department at the University of Florida! They will be missed, but we are very excited for them both!
New paper from grad student Maddy Robertson!
Our new paper is in press at Journal of Neurophysiology. In it we show that in early childhood the EEG spectral (1/f) slope is steeper in kids with ADHD, and that this difference is not present in those who have been medicated with stimulants. This work was done in collaboration with Dr. Margaret Sheridan & Dr. Brad Voytek. The lead author is Maddy Robertson.
Monica Faulkner successfully defends PhD!
Another one successfully fledges the nest: Monica Faulkner, successfully defended her PhD thesis “Frontolimbic Circuits, Dopamine, and Attentional Bias to Alcohol Cues.” She has accepted a postdoc offer, and will join the lab of Dr. Lorenzo Leggio at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Huge congratulations to Monica!
New paper from postdoc Amanda Elton!
Our new paper is in press at Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. In it we show that delay discounting behavior was predicted by an interaction of COMT genotype and sex, consistent with a U-shaped relationship with COMT activity. COMT genotype and sex similarly exhibited U-shaped relationships with individual differences in neural activation, particularly among networks that were most engaged by the task. The lead author is Dr. Amanda Elton.
Theresa McKim successfully defends PhD!
Ranking grad student, Theresa McKim, successfully defended her PhD thesis last month “Neurocognitive Investigations of Habitual Behavior Modification.” She has accepted a postdoc offer, and will join the lab of Dr. Theresa Desrochers at Brown University. Huge congratulations to Theresa!
New paper from postdoc Amanda Elton!
Our new paper showing that competing neural systems are active during choices between small immediate and larger delayed rewards, and their relative activity associates with individual choice preference is in press at the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The lead author is Dr. Amanda Elton.
Habit paper published & in the news!
Our new paper showing that people with a history of addiction develop habits more quickly than do people with no history of substance abuse is published in the July issue of Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The study was led by graduate student, Theresa McKim, and has gotten some popular press notice.
First CABLAB PET paper in press!
Our new paper – a collaboration with the Jagust & D’Esposito labs at UC Berkeley – will be published by the Journal of Neurophysiology.
Dr. Vicki Chanon returns!
Postdoc alum, Dr. Vicki Chanon, has been hired as a Lecturer in the Psychology & Neuroscience Dept., starting July 1, 2016. Welcome back Vicki!
Dr. Boettiger selected as a 2015 National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellow
Very excited to be heading out to Irvine in early November for the Frontiers of Science symposium.
The program is described here:
and here: